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China AV - Feb. Newsletter

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has taken many victims during the last month and the total number of infected cases in China passed 80,000. The impact on OEMs is severe, with a sharp reduction in sales at February of almost 90%! compared to Feb. 2018. Nevertheless, autonomous driving vehicles are becoming operational, serving the people of China at this challenging time, providing a range of medical and logistics needs, decreasing risk of infection and efficiently serving the population at infected areas. Autonomous vehicles are used as disinfection spray robots, autonomous cleaning vehicles, grocery delivery to population at quarantine, intelligent thermal temperature measurement imaging and medical supply delivery inside hospitals.

Moreover, despite the epidemic the AV sector reached two amazing achievements this month. First, Pony.ai raised $462 million round B, evaluated at over $3 billion! Second, a Chinese company was ranked #1 at CA, US in autonomous driving disengagement, placing Baidu as a leader after long time of Waymo dominance at the top. In total 4 Chinese companies were placed at the top 10 list.

With the epidemic spreading to over 70 countries in the last month, I wish you all health and safety. Continuing last month initiative, you are welcome to join me in donation to support Chinese at the epidemic areas – Coronavirus Relief Fund or share with our readers, alternative ways to contribute the community at the comments.

Feb.6th: NIO announced private placement of $100 million short-term convertible notes. The NEV OEM entered a definitive transaction with an unaffiliated Asia based investment fund, and agreed to sell convertible notes evaluated at $70 million. In addition, NIO consummated another convertible note private placement to another investment fund on similar terms.

Feb.10th: Baidu Apollo announced that it will open free low-speed mini AV kits and autonomous driving cloud services to enterprises serving the epidemic, in order to accelerate the application development of autonomous driving products. 


At present, a number of enterprises that provide autonomous driving technical support by Baidu Apollo have launched driverless operation in epidemic areas.

WEBULL Technology (悟牛科技) successively donated and deployed nearly 30 autonomous driving spray disinfection robots in several hospitals at Qingdao. Autonomous vehicles that carry out disinfection operations, greatly reduce the number of medical staff entering and leaving the isolation area, ensuring their health and save crucial manpower.

Unmanned logistics vehicles by Neolix (新石器) were sent to Wuhan and Beijing for epidemic prevention. 

Unmanned logistics vehicles by Neolix

At the same time, the unmanned cleaning and disinfection vehicle developed by iDriverPlus (智行科技) also arrived at the Beijing isolation point, which is planned to be used for independent cleaning and disinfection missions at the quarantined area.

unmanned cleaning and disinfection

Distribution robots independently developed by JD logistics (京东物流) support Wuhan, and JD logistics opened its L4 autonomous driving technology kits to the outside world, providing technical support and upgrades for other robot manufacturers in the ecosystem, in order to enable more manufacturers to operate at L4 autonomous driving.

Feb.12th Israel-based Innoviz Technologies, which makes LiDAR sensors for self-driving vehicles, partnered with China’s Shaanxi Heavy Duty Automobile Co. to deploy 600 autonomous trucks at one of the biggest ports in China.

Feb.13th: Luokung Technology (箩筐技术) subsidiary eMapgo Technologies (EMG) has been selected to provide autonomous driving HD maps for Ford China. EMG will support Ford’s Connected Blue Zone (CBZ) autonomous driving project with OTA updates of incremental data collection.

Feb.14th: WeRide RoboTaxi service, which is open to the public in China, released its first trial operation report of L4 level autonomous taxi. In the first month of operation, WeRide RoboTaxi completed 8,396 orders by 4,683 different users, with zero safety accidents and 270.8 daily average rides. The maximum number of orders per day reached 438 and the total mileage of service orders reached 41,140km.

WeRide RoboTaxi service is restricted to a Geo-Fence zone, excluding orders using highways, airport and other long-distance trips. The service represent a normal operation level of a traditional urban taxi.

Feb.18th : Changan automobile has launched a thermal imaging epidemic prevention vehicle, the CS75PLUS, which is equipped with a military AI intelligent thermal imaging temperature measurement system. Starting from March 1st the vehicle is provided free of charge to Chongqing high-speed railway stations, municipal services, communities, transportation services and medical service institutions.

Feb.18th : Meituan Dianping launched an unmanned delivery service for its e-commerce grocery subsidiary Meituan Grocery. As coronavirus quarantine continues in China, online delivery has become the preferred shopping method for many people. After residents within the distribution area place an order on the Meituan app, the company’s intelligent distribution system assign orders to unmanned delivery vehicles, which drive to the nearest Unmanned Distribution Center to pick up goods and deliver to a contactless pick-up stations. This process involves zero human-to-human contact.

Feb.19thTwo top technical talents joined Inceptio technology (嬴彻科技). Professor Yang Ruigang, former director and chief 3D vision scientist at Baidu robotics, will serve as CTO at Inceptio, responsible for R&D of autopilot technology at China and US. Tian Chen, former VP of technology and software architecture at Huawei US, will serve as VP at Inceptio, responsible for software systems.

Feb.25th : Baidu Apollo issued an IATF 16949:2016 quality management system certification, which can open the door for Baidu to become a tier 1 supplier for automaker OEMs and supporting its self-driving kit entering the global auto parts supply chain. The certification was issued by TV NORD North Germany, an internationally-recognized standard certification body.

Feb.25th: Pony.ai announced it had raised $400 million from Toyota, with a total of $462 million in round B financing, the largest single financing round for an autonomous start-up in the last six months. Up to now, the total financing amount of Pony.ai is nearly $800 million, and the value of Pony.ai after financing is slightly higher than $3 billion.

Feb.26thThe city of Fremont and Pony.ai have launched a pilot program offering RoboTaxi rides for a group of city employees via Pony.ai’s shared, on-demand autonomous last-mile service.

Feb.27thCalifornia DMV released its autonomous vehicle disengagement report for 2019. A “disengagement” refers to any situation in which an autonomous driving vehicle is operated manually because of technical failure or safety needs. The report is used to measure the maturity of autonomous driving technology of each company. In the report, four of the top 10 companies are from China, and Baidu Apollo is ranked No.1! Last year’s champion, Wamyo, came second this time. Baidu’s tested 108,300 miles at 2019, with disengagement rate of 0.55 per 1000 miles, which is equivalent to manual intervention every 18,050 miles.

Sources: NIO; UK.Reuters; MercuryNews; Reuters; Autonomous Vehicle International; HereDrive; Gasgoo; News.qq; Pandaily; ChinaPev; The Verge; Robotics and Automation News; The latest breaking news


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